In this study,
the writer analyzes deeply about radioactive
appearence toward human biological aspect, where it explain about the usage of
radioactive itself. The writer used library research
methodology where it specifically describes more about radioactive appearence toward human biological aspect
especially with the more adptive substance with mostly
people understanding. Likewise, the instrument used is conducting
reading books, asking to teacher and browsing to
find out more clearly about the problem mentioned. Radioactive appearence really gives some imcact to human biological
aspect, either negative or positive impact. Human biological aspect, means it
is including into human body, health, and some organ in human. This final
project purpose is to inform everyone, especially people who are lack of
information about the usage of chemical substance, especially radioactive.
most people in this world has wrong assumption that all chemical substances are
danger, whereas sometimes the food they consume also contains of chemicel
substance. Factually, everything
they encounter in their daily contains of some radioactive material, such as;
the water they drink the food they consume, the air they breathe, the ground
they walk upon, and the costumer products they purchase and use. Although they
might be familiar with the use of radiation to diagnose disease and treated
cancer, unfortunately when most people hear the term of “radiation” or
“radioactive” tend to think of mushroom clouds and mutants that inhabit the
world of science fiction movies and comic books, or they directly remember
about nuclear.
In the whole of all, Radioactive is a chemical substance that is really useful for every aspect in life, such as agriculture, industry, biological especially human biological aspect .With radioactive, human is able to know the condition, function of an organ in people body.
In the whole of all, Radioactive is a chemical substance that is really useful for every aspect in life, such as agriculture, industry, biological especially human biological aspect .With radioactive, human is able to know the condition, function of an organ in people body.
Key words : Radioactive and Human
Biological Aspect
of Study
In arrow of development
that changed annually, everything has developed quickly, such technology. At
the same time, the development of disease is also developed very fast,
unfortunately human cannot changed their thought and habit. Due to the fact,
when many people do not care about their action that can give impact to their
biological aspect, however the cause of all is from human being itself who
cannot keep their environment well. Besides, human cannot keep their health,
for example they never care about the food they consume. Mostly people in this
world think that all food is beneficial. On the other hand, when they know
about chemical substance, they directly avoid that substance, because they have
a perception that all chemical substance is dangerous. Whereas, the food they
consume also contains of chemical substance, such radioactive.
Factually, everything
they encounter in their daily contains of some radioactive material, such as;
the water they drink the food they consume, the air they breathe, the ground
they walk upon, and the costumer products they purchase and use. Although they
might be familiar with the use of radiation to diagnose disease and treated
cancer, unfortunately when most people hear the term of “radiation” or
“radioactive” tend to think of mushroom clouds and mutants that inhabit the
world of science fiction movies and comic books, or they directly remember
about nuclear. When people think that, means they misunderstand about that. Generally,
radioactive has been common for human daily, but they do not know about the
function of radioactive itself. So what should be human biological aspect?
Because biological aspect is the most important aspect for our life, human
biological aspect means, it is related to human body, health, food, and so on.
Radioactive is a chemical substance which
always radiate radioactive-ray, and it has positron, electron, proton, Alfa-ray
(α), Beta-ray (β), Gamma-ray (γ). Generally, those substances are in unstable
condition, so it can give impact and effect for everything that gets those
radiations, for example it can break people cell easily. Factually, the
capability of bomb atom to have a great energy is not far from radioactive
substance that consists in atom itself. On the other case, radioactive
appearance gives some benefits for human life. Due to the fact, when many
danger diseases human isable to diagnose those diseases with the use of x-ray
that consists of radioactive.[1]
B. Problem of Study
The writer wants the readers to this scientific writing
project who to talk about. Therefore, regarding to the background issue that
create concerned understanding of the readers, so it is important to determine
the problem of study as follows;
1. What
is radioactive?
2. What
is the correlation between radioactive and human biological aspect?
3. How
does radioactive works in human biological aspect?
4. What
are the disadvantages of radioactive?
C. Purpose of Study
It is easier that the writer is
extremely enthusiastic to give some purpose of study to have good relation
between the writer and readers. In order to have better discussion needs to mix
a specific purpose of study. It will be in some following points as;
1. To
inform about chemical substance, especially radioactive
2. To
know how radioactive works in human biological aspect
3. To
know the impact of radioactive
D. Key Term of Study
and human biological aspect
of Radioactive
Atom is the smallest particle in a
substance, atom in a substance is consisted of proton, electron, and proton.
Some substances are arranged for more than one atom that has different mass
number, but the atomic number is same. On contrary, if a type of substance with
a same atomic number, but different mass number is called isotope, such as
hydrogen which has 3 isotopes, those are; H-1, H-2, H-3. So, what is the
difference of those isotopes? Proteome (H-1) has 1 proton and 1 electron, it
has no neutron, Deuterium (H-2) has 1 proton, 1 electron, and 1 neutron, Tritium
(H-3) has 1 proton, 2 neutrons, and 1 electron. Means, the similarity of those
hydrogen isotopes is at the number of neutron. Isotopes have a same electron
So, what about radioactive?
Radioactive emit ionizing particles of various kinds and energies. Generally,
beta and gamma radioactive can be used in biological work. It is possible to
use two tracers simultaneously and identify each separately. One of those is
beta radioactive and the other one is gamma radioactive. Beta rays can be
easily screened out with a thin layer of leading to reach the counter
selectively. The amount of radioactive material that can be prepared in a
single bombardment in the pile varies considerably. Photospheres are one of the
highest totally radioactivity 500 mill curies are available in a single unit
quality. Onemill curries is equivalent to 3.7 x 1010 disintegrations
per second. The approximate specific activity (mill curries per gram) on which
the biologically important, elements are available. For biological purposes
hose elements which have half-lives or iron one to several weeks are easiest to
use. If the half-lives of iron one to several weeks are easiest to use. If the
half-lives is longer than the number of disintegration per second is less and
detection becomes more difficult, while if the half-lives is shorter intensity
more difficult of disintegration is higher but the useful duration of
radioactivity is shorter. As the presence of the radioelement is detected by
the ionizing radiations that accompany disintegration would be desirable to
have high activity over in extend period. However, these two characteristics do
not occur together. This is best exemplified by radiocarbon.
Atom consists of nucleus and some
electrons that revolve around it. Incineration reaction is just about the
changed in orbital atom, especially in the first orbital only, but it does not
bother the nucleus. A reaction that is about the changed in nucleus is called
nuclear reaction. Nuclear reaction happens in two manners those are;
spontaneous and artificial, spontaneous happens to nucleus which is not stable.
A substance that consists of unstable substance is called radioactive
substance. On the other hand, artificial reaction happens to every stable
In 1895, Wilhelm
Conrad Rontgen invented cathode rays retort produce a radiation that has high
perforate capacity that can blacken photograph film. Although it was covered by
carbon paper, at first this ray named x-ray. The fact, x-ray is an
electromagnetic radiation that emerge because a high speed impact that cathode
rays with anode. Now a day, x-ray is called roentgen ray and used for roentgen
to diagnose inside part of human body. The invention of x-ray interested Henry
Becquerel to observe a flourencensial substance which can radiate after it got
radiation. Becquerel observed that rays radiate from that substance such as
x-ray. At the same time, Becquerel examined uranium. [3] Unfortunately,
that hypothesis was right that uranium radiation is able to blacken photograph
film which is still covered by carbon paper. In the contrary, Becquerel
invented that uranium radiates high perforate capacity by itself or without any
radiating before it was at the first week of March 1896. A spontaneous
radiation is called radioactivity, and a substance that has radioactive
characteristics is called radioactive substance. The first radioactive
substance invented was uranium then,in 1898 Mari Curie and the husband Pierre
Curie invented two substances which are more active than uranium those are
Polonium and Radium. Basically, many substances have radioactive character
naturally.All isotopes that have atomic number upon 83 have radioactive
characters. Substances that have atomic number 83 or less have stable
isotope,exceptTechnetium and Paramecium.
Isotopes that have radioactive character are called Radioactive or radio
isotope, meanwhile isotope that is non-radioactive is called stable isotope.
This full age, radioisotopescan also make from stable isotope. In 1903, Ernest
Rutherford interposes that radiation one that emitted by radioactive substance
can be differentiated for two type base on its content. Proton radiationis denominated by alpha ray
whileelectron is denominated by named beta ray.
Hereafter Paul U. Villard invented the third ray that has no content is
called gamma ray.
is an emitting facet of energy, because the disintegration of nucleus.
Radioactive substance is used in some therapy as the random to diagnose and
assassinate cancer cell. According to James Edge Park 1897, radioactive
substance is every substance that emits pengion radiation with an activity more
than 70 kBq/kg or 2 nCi/g (seventy kilo Becquerel per kilogram or two Nano
curie per gram). Amount 70 kBq/kg (2nCi/g) is the first postulate for a
substance is called radioactive, generally is decided based on the determinate
from International Atomic Energy Agency. Unfortunately, several substances do
not have activity lower than the boundary is considered as radioactive
substance, because it cannot be determined for all substances in the light of
the character in each substance.
The Definition of Human Biological Aspect
Biology is
a knowledge studies about physiological aspect in life, the term of“biology” is
gotten from Dutch “Biologie” that is
from two words of Greek,”bios” (alive)
and “logos” (knowledge). The objects
of biology are many and one of those is human that usually called as human
biological aspect. Some branch of biology study specifically to each organism,
such as; botany (plant knowledge), zoology (animal knowledge), microbiology
(microorganism knowledge). The difference and grouping is based on the
physiological character of organism studied as systematic in encompassing
taxonomy and pale biology.[4]
Several aspect of life is
investigated in biology, physiological character is studied in anatomy and
morphology, in the temporary the function is studied in physiology. Anima’s
behavior is studied in etiology. The development of living thing in long time
frame is studied in evolution, while the growth and development in life cycle
is studied in the development of biology. The interaction between each living
thing with the surrounding is studied in ecology; the mechanism of inheriting
character that is useful to keep on efficiency of life is studied in genetic.
Nowadays, the development of
biological aspect also study
about the evolution of living thing in the next era, and the possibility of
human being in other planet except earth, is called astrobiology. In the
temporary, technology development enable to study in constituent molecule of
organism in biology molecular or biochemistry, which is supported by
computation technique development in bioinformatics side. Biology is developed
quickly in
century, when scientist invented that organism
has fundamental characteristics
is studied at school and university all over the world.
Means, human
biological aspect is an aspect where it is related to human physiological
character, such as the condition of the organ, the function of the organ, and
the health of the organ.
C.The Correlation of Radioactive and Human Biological
The ionizing
radiations emitted by the
radioactive isotopes are
the secret of their
usefulness, but at
the same time, those
are also a
potential health hazard to
the user and are to
be treated with danger ill one wishes to
continue in the field.
It is true
that much important work can
be done without
exceeding the tolerance range
set down by the
health physicists as
the quantities of radioactive materials
employed are often considerably
below that which may
be regarded as a therapeutic dose. Nevertheless anycompetent biologist
knows that when an ionizing radiation or his genes. There is the possibility of
ion formation, or
fragmentation, of the
gene molecules.Mutations are known
to be possible
as a result
of direct radiation ofhereditary material. Since by
experiment we have
learned that such mutations
are predominantly deleterious we look upon unnecessary expos as undesirable.
However, as undesirable as it
may be to
expose one- self to ionizing
radiations it is
impossible entirely to
escape them. Cosmic rays
constant UV bombard the earth
with energies of the
correct magnitude to convert
carbon atoms into
radioactive isotopes whichthe
case or organisms. Are then in place in
the {issues. is estimated
that many thousands
of radioactive carbon atoms
already exist in each
human body. Also,
there are other radioactive
materials, such as
radioactive gases and
other radioactive
contaminants of the uranium phoriumsettles, present
everywhere to
be unescapably accumulated.
The general cosmic
ray and radionthoron background results in
an exposure of
approximately C.0001 r. per
B-hour day. For those engaged
in the handling of
radioactive materials it
is desirable to know
the safe tolerance
levels for many kinds
of radiation. The followingstandards
have been set:
1. X and gamma radiation:
200 mr per day (International Congress of Radiobiology in 1934)
2. X and gamma radiation: 100 mr per
day (American
Advisory Committee on x-ray and
Radium protector)
3. X and gamma radiation:
100 mr
per day (Clinton National
Laboratories, Oak Ridge,
4. Beta radiation: 100 mr
e. p. (Clinton National
The roentgen
is declined in
terms of the absorption
of secondary electron energy produced
in air by
x and gamma radiation. For
biological effects it
became necessary to
convert this standard to
energies absorbed by
tissue and squinty an
equivalent unit, the
r. e. p. (roentgen equivalentPhysical)
was pro- posed. It is an
intensity of radiation
such that it may
be absorbed at
the rate of 83 ergs
per gram of
tissue. One r. e. p. becomes a
roentgen radiation
is X or gamma and
absorption takes place in air. An
alternate definition is the
dose of
radiation which produces
1.615 x l0l2 ion pairs per gram of air
(in a microscopically small
area at the
site concerned). It is generallyconsidered asa dos- age of 100
mr/day for several
years will not produce visible
damage to man. But, as dosage
to hereditary mechanism
is additive or cumulative
it may be
undesirable to receive
this exposure for an
extendedperiod. There are some
evidences. According to Morgan' who
in turn refers to unpublished
work by E. Lorenzt and
L. O.
Jacobson that a male (human) should not
receive during his
lifetime an accumulated total body dose
in excess of 1,000 roentgens. The maximum body
dose for a male is placed
at 1,000 roentgens
because at this level injury
may approach that
inflicted by other excesses,
i.e., smoking, drinking,
etc. Quoting the
same authors there is evidence
from animal experiments
to "indicate that the
ovary is one of the most
sensitive body organs
to radiation and
that there may
be an increased incidence of ovarian
tumors beginning with an
dose of 100 roentgens of
total body radiation." There is
almost universal agreement among the workers
in the field
of health physics that
the .fiber electronscope is the
one most practical
instrument for overall "health" monitoring..
It is very sturdy and maintains its calibration. Itis also the cheapest
instrument, and in many laboratories
it is used
for quantitative radioactive
measurement in tracer experiments.
While handling
isotopes in the volatile
state extreme precautions are necessary, for
fixation, by breathing
or otherwise, of one ten-millionth
of a crude of, X.ZMo.e." (Director, of HealthPhysicsDivision,
Clinton NationalLabor) Chem.
&EnC. News 25(51):394-398. 19,1. a
long lived alpha
emitter in the
body, may approach fatality.
Alpha emitters are not
yet released by
the U.S.A.E.C. for tracework, but
this may serve
as a caution for
those using beta and
gam- ma emmitters. Considerable attention
should begin or
the design of a
laboratory in which radioactive
materials will be handled.
Experience Mill shows that several rooms
should be available;
i.e., one containing a good
hood and used
for preparation of isotopes for
use; a second
room, in plant
work a greenhouse, in which
isotopes are applied to the experimental
material; a third
room, or part of the
first room,
should be de- voted
to the preparation
of the
materials for "counting" and
a separate room should
house the radioactive
assay or "counting” equipment.
This seems necessary if one is
to continue working
in this field
or an extended period. Absolute
cleanliness is essential 1or
it may be
that accumulation of
radioactive contaminations will
ruin experiments before they become
a serious health menace. Operationsof dilution and otherhandling
of radioisotopes should
be carried out on metal
(preferably stainless steel) trays
in which absorbent
material has been placed.
Pipettes (rubber bulb type)
and curved pipettes
should be used in
order to avoid
direct exposure to solutions being
pipetted, Stainless steel or
soapstone sinks in good repair
should be used.
It is the
practice never to dispose
of, via the
sink, any materials which
are significantly richer
in radioactivity than
the general background. For other material burial
grounds, removed from water supplies,other refuse, etc. are recommended.
Waste materials of
short hall-life may be
accumulated and stored
in a protected place until
activity is dissipated.
It is the obligation
of all users
of radioisotopes proof
of competence in handling
isotopes and evidence
of knowledge of protective
measures. In fact, each
institution contemplating use or
materials or equipment
emitting any of the
damaging radiations should
have difficulties involved in the use of
radiocarbon (C1a). Special
equipment for handling this
isotope is in
the process of
development in a number
of laboratories, but
none is available
at the present. The particular
peculiarities of each radioelement create
minor problems in dipleationmeasurement,
but since the physical
principles involved in the
detection of ionizing
radiations are well understood it
is merely a
problem of bending existing
facts 10 lit special cases. The number
of radioactive isotopes now
available through the
Isotopes Division of the U.S.A.E.C.
Number over a hundred. A current
catalogue of available
isotopes is maintained, giving the half-life, the
nature and energy
of the ionizing radiation, the
nature and size of
the target material,.
the mill curies of activity
in the irradiated
sample, the specific activity,
and the price. This is a glorious achievement. The vision and careful
planning of those in the
policy making division
of the U.S. A.E.C.
have provided the
American scientist with golden
opportunities, usually well in
advance of his immediate
needs. The stimulating
effects of these newly
openedhodzons in
research technique, coupled
with the achievement
in production of radioactive
isotopes has created almost
unlimited opportunities and consequently
released a veritable .
ooooIresearch acylfrite
. The only barriers
to opportunity in this
field are training
in proper usage o
radioactive materials.
training in health protection,
and the necessary space, materials,
and time for
work. In general, it can be
said that reception of
"atomic energy" and
its ramification has been
unusually well appreciated and understood,
thanks to the
lore sight of its creators.
There has been
immediate adoption and
absorption by biological with the most
gratifying pre- laminar results.
In dollars and
cents a S240,000,000 increase
in the annual
out- put of American
farms, which is
not an impassible goal, will
be a great
inducementfor the
use of radioactive
isotopes to enrich the American
D. Radioactive Works In Human Biological Apspect
is used for tracer and radiation source, in this essay the writer is going to
discuss about two usage of radioisotope those are for tracer and radiation
source. The usage of radioisotope as tracer is based on knot that radioisotope
has chemistry character as a stable isotope, so radioisotope gets chemistry
reaction as stable isotope. On the contrary, the usage of radioisotope as
radiation source is based on the fact that radiation which produces radioactive
substance can impact material or creature. Radiation is used for giving
physical effect: chemistry, and biology.
The first usage of radiation in
human biological aspect is used since last
time, when mostly doctors in Europe and America interested in Wilhelm
Conrad Roentgen that clarified the usage
of x-ray is made film picture of bone or skullbonepeople. That is really
interesting because the condition of bone or head skull patient that can be
observed and studied correctly for diagnosing. Besides, the usage of radiation
effect for recovering has been proven by some doctors, such as:
In 1897, L Freund was
success to lose abiation in people skin with radiating manner.
In 1899, J.T Steinbek
and T.A.V Siorgein were success to cure skin tumor in patient nose with
radiating manner.
From several report about the successes, but some of
those are also about the impact after radiated. Some impacts of that are:
Is occurring skin
reyhema, is such a reddish symptom in patient skin after getting therapy with
Is a occurring of hair
split after radiated was reported by J.Daniels in 1896.
According to Dr. James E. Parks, radiation is able
to impede the processing of cell fission which can create bereft of cell and
the network when obstruction is occurring continuously. As the matter of fact,
cancer network or cell has higher capacity fission the cell than human cell
which is health. Therefore, based on Tribondau
law, cancer cell character is more radiosensitive than usual cell which is
health, means cancer and tumor cell can be cured with radiation and
radiovaksin. Radiation can enervate microorganism or disease that can be made
as vaksin from each disease. One of the examples is radiovaksin for sleeping
disease in Africa.[5]
Based on the radioactivity an atom can be detected
in network or a part of body, many kinds of information about diagnosing. The
result of census taking a network radioactivity or organ after being radiated
looks well in scale or digital number existed in census tools. Besides, a
substance or compound is able to give an illustration about a network or organ
is being observed, because there will be the difference between a health organ
and unhealthy organ. It is caused by the difference of metabolism and
accumulation degree compound radioactive from the organ or network itself.
Many kinds of radioisotope used as tracer to
diagnose some diseases, such as; technetium (Tc-99), talcum (Ti-201), iodine
(I-131), natrium (Na-24), xenon (Xe-133), and besi (Fe-59). Tc-99 injected to
blood vessel then unhealthy network will pervade in an organ, such as; heart,
liver, and lungs, than Ti-201 will be pervaded by health network in heart,
therefore both isotopes can be used together to diagnose heart dental. On the
other contrary, iodine (I-131) is pervaded by thyroid gland, heart, and some
network in brain, so it is used to detect the dental of thyroid gland, heart,
and brain tumor. Salt solution consists of Na-24 injected to blood vessel to
detect circulation of blood interference with gamma rays radiated from natrium
itself. Xe-133 is used to detect lungs disease, P-32 to detect sour eyes,
tumor, and liver, Fe-59 is able to detect the formation of eritrosite.
Nevertheless, radioisotope is used to diagnose some diseases is also used for
thyroid gland cancer therapy. Some radioactive substances have biological and
chemical character seems other substance, such as; Radiostronsium-99.[6]
I-131 is accumulated to thyroid gland, people are
able to know the function of it whether it is normal or abnormal. According to A Level of Chemistry book created by
Charles F Barnaby page 143, compound etilendiamintetra acid (AEDT, EDTA)
include tokhelat compound that is eskers out of the body by kidney. While AEDT
compound (Cr-51) injected to people body, there will be the information about
the function of the kidney itself. On the other hand, Na-24 can detect the
circulation of blood, so while Na-24 injected to people body is able to know
the condition of the kidney is normal or not.
With radioisotope Na-24, circulation in our body is
controlled, when NaCl-24 injected in our body people are able to know the
spreading to all blood vessel. In an area where the blood circulation does not
have trouble, the digital value is high enough.Than, in area consist of
constriction of blood vessel the v digital values is relative low, or occur
some troubles in blood circulation. This diagnose also determines the location
of blood vessel constriction.
With the assistance of radio pharmacy as carving of
organ or network, people are able to know the condition of an organ or network,
exist of difference on some organ or network which is unhealthy, such as:
The location of cancer
in brain
The existence and the
location of cancer in people brain can be detected from the result of the
inlaid work after injecting patient with carving substance of brain compound
perteknetat-99m (Tc-04).
The location of cancer
in liver
` The
existence and the location of cancer in people brain can be detected from the
result of the inlaid work after injecting patient with carving substance of
liver mickrokoloid (Tc-99m).
The location of cancer
in bone
The existence and the
location of cancer in people brain can be detected from the result of the
inlaid work after injecting patient with carving substance of bone
metildifosfonat (MDT-Tc 99m).
The location of tumor
in kidney
The existence and
location of tumor in abnormal network kidney can be detected from the result of
the inlaid work after injecting patient with carving substance of bone etilendiamintetra Acid technetium-99m or 99m
Determine eritrosit age
Eritrosit age can be
determined with Fe-59, such as for transfusion needs to know the age of donor’s
eritrosit age.
Radioactive substance also help
human to diagnose some disease, so how is the manner? Radioisotope is injected
to patient body (study in-vivo)
although it is only reacted with blood, flank
acid, or urine which is taken from patient
body (study in-vitro). In study in- vivo, after radioisotope injected in
patient body from mouth, injection, or implosive from nose, people are able to
get information such an image or picture from an organ or a part of body
patient with the assistance from SPECT (Single
Photon Emission Computed Tomography) or PET (Positron Emission Tomography). Both instrument use gamma camera to
detect gamma rays, besides it is also such some curve kinetic of radioisotope
in an organ or a part of body. Also, those numbers describe radioisotope in an
organ or a part of body.
In study in- vitro, the doctor takes some biological substance, such as 1mL
of blood. The import quotation of biological substance is reacted with a
substance that has been standardized with radioisotope. The detection is done
with the assistance of gamma radiation that is stringing up with system
instrumentation. That manner is well- known as non-imaging that commonly used to know the hormone uterus in
patient blood, such as insulin and tyrosine. The data that is got from imaging or non-imagingtechnique gives information about an organ that is
Some examples of radioisotopes
which is used to diagnose and therapy some disease are in following table
2,69 days
To control the
function of kidney
20,3 days
β and
To produce the image
of brain and pancreas
44,5 days
To determine iron
metabolism in blood
To measure lungs
60 days
To determine the
blood degree
122 seconds
To examine the
function of lungs
119 days
To determine the
shape and measurement of pancreases
E. The Negative impacts of Radioactive
Based on physics book, Radioactive also creates some
impacts when it uses in different way, as follows:
1. Hair:
people hair is easy to be lost quickly when it gets radiation in 200 Rems or
more, Rems is a squad of radioactive fervency.
2. Brain:
the cell of brain will be broken directly except it gets radiation in 5000 Rems
or more, Also heart, radiation
assassinate nerve cell, blood vessel, then it cause of stiff and death in
3. Thyroid
gland: thyroid gland is really susceptible, radioactive Iodium in a specific
amount a part or all thyroid gland.
4. Blood
circulation: When people get radiation for about 100 Rems, the amount of
limfosit blood is decreased. Therefore the sacrifice is more susceptible to
infection. The first symptom, such influenza. Based on the data, when the
explosion occurring in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, exhibit symptom can hold out for
about 10 years and big possibility it has some risks in long period, such as
leukemia and limfoma.
5. Heart:
if heart gets radiation in 1000 to 5000 Rems will impact the detriment to blood
vessel and heart fail and death in sudden.
6. Digestion
pipeline: radiation in 200 Rems will impact the detriment to intestine
pipeline, and vomit, also queasy and diarrhea with blood.
7. Reproduction
pipeline: radiation will damage reproduction pipeline with fervency under 200
Rems. In long period, the sacrifice will be barren.
when human gets danger nuclear radiation there will be gene mutation, because
the changing of substance structure and chemistry reaction that damage people,
plant, and animal cell. The impact of radioactive radiation creates direct
character, such as: the increasing of heart and artery beat, headache, losing
of desire to eat, diarrhea, fever. Nevertheless, it caused the weight lower,
blood cancer, and leukemia.[8]
1. Radioactive
is a chemical substance that is really useful for every aspect in life, such as
agriculture, industry, biological especially human biological aspect.
2. With
radioactive, human is able to know the condition, function of an organ in
people body. It also can detect and diagnose some disease that exists in people
body by using X, gamma, beta, alpha rays.
3. Radioactive
is a substance that was invented Henry Becquerel, and it was continued Marie and Pieree Currie, and it consists of
electron, proton, positron, beta ray, alpha ray, and gamma ray.
4. Radioactive
is a substance where it has atomic number more than 83, means it is including
into unstable substance.
5. Radioactive
can be used when it has been disintegrated, so radioactive substance is
dangerous when it is still unstable.
6. Radioactive
needs object to be used, such as human biological aspect.
7. Radioactive
gives negative impact for human biological aspect where people cannot use it in
the wrong way, such as it is the cause of danger disease, people death, born
abnormal baby, so on.
8. Radioactive
substance is able to break people cell easily.
9. Radioactive
is used for therapy some disease with the assistance of a tool named SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography)
or PET (Positron Emission Tomography).
10. The
usage of radioisotope as tracer is based on knot that radioisotope has
chemistry character as a stable isotope, so radioisotope gets chemistry
reaction as stable isotope.
1. Everyone
must be able to differ between danger and useful substance, and change their
thought about chemical substance, because not all chemical substance is danger,
such as radioactive.
2. The
usage of gamma, beta, alpha, and X-ray may be good to know the condition,
function of people organ. Also, to do therapy and diagnose some disease.
A specialist doctor
must be careful to use those rays in the right way.
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